Taking care of YOU during Stress Awareness Month (and beyond)
As business owners, stress is hard to avoid. Between managing clients, delivering to deadlines, working on our business and all the things, we have A LOT on our plates. And it’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves.
When you throw in caring responsibilities for children or other family members, our me-time is next to non-existent. As a mum and the primary parent in my family, I know first-hand how hard it is to put yourself first. Between looking after my daughter, managing the household chores (gah, the mountains of washing) and running my business, I’ll be the first to admit I struggle to make time for myself.
But not this year! In 2024, I’m adding time to my endless to-do list because taking care of us is vital to running a successful business.
And there’s no better time to start than April, which is Stress Awareness Month.
Want to join me?
In this post, I’m sharing 7 ways we, small business owners, can help stamp out stress and find a little more balance in our busy lives.
7 simple ways to combat stress for small business owners
1. Exercise or play a sport
Physical activity can have a massive impact on your mental health. And moving becomes much more important when you spend most of the day sitting in front of a screen. Exercise can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, reduce the risk of illness, improve your sleep and more.
‘But I don’t have time!’ I hear you say. I know the feeling! But I think we can all carve out a bit of time to move our bodies and lift our spirits.
Here are a few suggestions for squeezing exercise into your busy day:
- Get up a little early to go for a morning swim or run.
- Take a break in the middle of the day for a refreshing walk around the neighbourhood.
- Get a standing desk or swap your chair for an exercise ball.
- Try to get to the gym a couple of times a week.
- Instead of coffee meetings, try walking meetings.
And if you prefer sport over traditional exercise, you could check to see if there are any social teams in your area. Maybe join a masters swimming club or find a social netball team to take you back to your glory days on the court.
Whatever activity you prefer, make sure you find time to move your body. You might be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards.
2. Take up a hobby
After seeing the joy my daughter gets from painting, I decided to try it myself with paint-by-numbers artwork. It’s incredibly relaxing to zone out and concentrate on creating something just for me.
Engaging in a hobby is a form of self-care that forces you to take time to do something purely for the joy of it. And it gives you a sense of accomplishment and helps minimise stress and burnout.
What hobby would you take up? Do you want to try something new or reignite a past passion? Maybe you could learn a musical instrument. Or try gardening, cooking, or both, growing your own fresh produce!
Or maybe a book club which gives you alone time to read and social time to discuss. (Though if you have little ones like me, keep the book safe from those who like to play the ‘hide mummy’s book’ game!)
Don’t be afraid to try something outside your comfort zone – it can lead to unexpected personal discoveries and growth. And you’ll be ready to face those business demands when you’ve got an outside hobby to unwind with at the end of the day.
3. Spoil yourself
Taking time to pamper yourself will help you recharge and relax. You can spoil yourself in many ways. From simple budget-friendly indulgences at home to full-blown days at the spa, pampering isn’t just a luxury. It’s an important act of self-care.
Here are some suggestions for how you can spoil yourself:
- Take a long luxurious bubble bath, and tell your household – no interruptions!
- Plan a day at the spa, or book to get your nails done or a massage.
- Treat yourself to a doona day to read a book or catch up on that Netflix series everyone’s talking about.
- Book a weekend getaway – with friends or solo. The choice is yours.
For the bigger ticket items, you could do it just once a quarter or bi-monthly. And fill in the gaps with the little luxuries that are easier to achieve more often.
Taking care of yourself can boost your mood, reduce stress and increase your sense of wellbeing. Remember, self-care is not selfish. It’s essential for your health and success as a business owner.
4. Maintain connections
How often have you declined or cancelled social plans because you had to catch up on work? I know I’ve been guilty of it more times than I’d like to remember. While there will be times when we must get the work done, it’s important to make cancelling social plans for work the exception, not the rule.
Social support from friends and family provides comfort, encouragement and advice. I’d argue that the busier you get, the more you’ll need your social networks!
Whether networking with business colleagues, catching up with old mates or finding time for family gatherings, the people in our lives give us our sense of community and belonging. And strong social support can help you manage stress and solve problems with new perspectives and ideas.
So next time things are busy, and you’re thinking of blowing off your social plans – don’t. Even spending time with other people can distract you from work stress and make you feel happy and connected. And we should never underestimate the power of connection
5. Enjoy the small things
Enjoying the beauty of every day and being present in the little moments can help reduce stress and improve your mood.
How can you find peaceful moments in the chaos?
Here are a few suggestions:
- Get up before the family to enjoy a quiet coffee before the household wakes.
- Savour a delicious lunch. And eat at the table or outside, not at your work desk (Yes, I’ll raise my hand – I’m guilty of this one!)
- Sit quietly for a few moments of peace at the end of the day to debrief, calm your mind and unclutter your thoughts.
- Take a few minutes each day to reflect on the things you’re grateful for.
Giving yourself small moments of peaceful joy can have a big impact on your stress levels and wellbeing. And it can improve your mood and make you feel more present in your daily life.
6. Look after your health
When was the last time you had a check-up at the doctor’s? Or a skin check? Or got your teeth cleaned? I know I’d never miss a medical check for my daughter, but I often feel ‘too busy’ to schedule my health appointments.
Not good, is it?
Neglecting your health can lead to increased stress and decreased productivity. And that’s bad news for business. So it’s essential to keep on top of your health, not just your family’s.
Book your annual blood test and check-up at the GP. That covers a lot and can put your mind at ease. Make sure you visit the dentist twice a year because poor oral health can be associated with chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. If you’re in a risk category for any conditions, don’t put off your tests. Get your eyes checked. Get your skin checked. Get a mammogram. Do your bowel screening. Get your pap smear (gosh, it’s so easy to let that one go, but don’t!)
Don’t forget, mental health is just as important as physical. If you’re struggling, seek advice from a mental health professional who can give you tools and resources to help.
And it’s not just about check-ups and tests. Look after your health by eating well, staying active and getting enough sleep. Prioritising your health is a necessity and can help reduce your stress in the process.
7. Listen to music
When I’m feeling flat and unmotivated, I love listening to music. It can help pick me up or wind me down because music has the power to influence our moods and emotions. Several studies have shown that listening to music can positively affect your health.
But don’t take my word for it. This article in Psychology Today shows how music therapy can improve levels of anxiety and depression, reduce disruptive behaviour, and improve quality of life.
Music also helps connect and unite us.
And researchers at John Hopkins say that music is good for the brain.
It can improve problem-solving abilities, jump-start your creativity and help you with memory recall.
Here are some ways you can use music to make your day better:
- Create playlists for your day. Try happy, upbeat songs to start the day and calm, soothing songs to end it.
- Use a tool like Brain.FM to help you focus, relax or sleep.
- Choose background music to inspire your work.
- Check out the gig guide and see what’s playing live in your city.
- Create a relaxing playlist to calm your mind and prepare you for sleep.
Try experimenting with different sounds and styles. And enjoy the many benefits the simple, soulful act of listening to music can bring.
Can’t do it all? No stress!
I hope these suggestions will help you manage your stress and find your me-time again. And don’t feel like you have to do it all. Even if it’s just 2 or 3 things, pick what suits you best to find peace and fill your cup during Stress Awareness Month.
Implementing some of these ideas into your daily life can improve your wellbeing, increase your productivity and build better business outcomes.
But remember, it’s not only for Stress Awareness Month. Let’s keep the me-time going all year round! (Because you’ll be better for it, and so will your business.)
If you want to know more about how I can help take the stress out of your business, book a FREE discovery call with me. I’d love to help you overcome the overwhelm and bring down the stress levels in your busy life.